Wednesday, March 16, 2011

some things never change

Bailey found this today.

Did you see it rain yesterday? I made a small video.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

so we thought geologic processes were slow

"All of those broken bones in northern Japan, all of those broken lives and those broken homes prompt us to remember what in calmer times we are invariably minded to forget: ... mankind inhabits this earth subject to geological consent - which can be withdrawn at any time." - Simon Winchester

On a lighter note, someone forgot to empty the rain barrels today. It's finals week and I've been working on a landscape architecture wetland policy project all day. I can't help but conclude that we've contributed to America's No Net Loss policy on wetlands. Sweet.

My yard is a pond.

Monday, March 14, 2011

where do you look to find beauty?

Technically I didn't travel around the world. But just the same, I figured I'd have all these revelations and new world views and all that nonsense that the naive traveler thinks will come of the worldly adventure.

And I did. The places I visited were amazing in the very sense of the word - I was indeed filled with astonishment every day to the point at which my brain was overloaded with stimuli. Sadly, as will happen to any place after some time, the shock of my surroundings was slowly muted by their persistent shock-ability.

Sometimes you have to look away. You have to look at something different to remember how impressive the sight in front of you is. I feel this way about people and landscapes, but it is in my nature (or probably nurture) to be more attracted to the landscapes. But I was in India! So I didn't look away.

Sunrise over the greater Himalaya, from the foothills.

And after my world travels, I came home and thought that maybe the visual stimuli would subside and my brain would have a chance to recuperate. Naive traveler. I find that my expectations and assumptions continually get the best of me. I did not see the pacific northwest for 3 solid months.

Sunrise over Oregon, from my home.